2024 Houston Area RCA Retreat
Rebuilding a stong relational house:
Filling your RCA toolbox
The Houston RCA community has been holding the RCA Retreat for approximately 14 years. It is held annually at Camp Allen in Navasota, Texas. The retreat starts late (5:00 pm) on Friday and carries over till noon on Sunday. You are welcome to check-in at 3:00 pm on Friday and enjoy the facilities before the start of the retreat.
We welcome all RCA couples starting the RCA program and those who strengthen their Coupleship by attending the RCA retreat for years. Last few years, we have had couples from as far away as California and North Carolina. We are growing, and we welcome you to be part of the RCA retreat experience. The retreat fills up quickly; we have room for 20 couples.
Our presenters are couples sharing their experience, strength, and hope. Each couple brings a special dynamic to the group. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for the couple that still suffers from speaking and seeking support in addressing their truths. We are open to all 12-Step groups. We are LGBTQ+ and allies friendly.
The 2024 theme is Rebuilding A Strong Relational House: Filling Your RCA Toolbox. Join us as we learn how to pack, utilize, unpack, and maintain, the tools of our Coupleship while in recovery.
If you have any questions, please email the retreat committee at RCAHoustonTX@gmail.com.